Making your next ride electric doesn’t have to be difficult



Welcome to EV Underground – a Calgary-based automotive shop specializing in electric vehicle conversions.
We’re here to help you, whether you’re looking to build a tire-shredding hot rod or a Sunday cruiser, we’ve got the tools and expertise you’ll need. Here’s a peek into what we do and how we do it:
It goes without saying that at the core of an EV conversion is a well-designed and robust electrical system. Proper building and installation of high voltage components such as junction boxes and cable assemblies is critical to safety and performance. A properly-built and installed 12V system is also important to keep everything working reliably.
Mechanical & Fabrication
A major part of an EV conversion is putting new components into existing spaces. Our aim is to modify the vehicle as little as possible in the process. This often involves some clever solutions/thinking to get everything to fit inside of the room available. Another challenge is tying these new components into the vehicle mechanically; using frame mounts for things like battery boxes, and adapter plates to mate the electric motor to the transmission.
Big things, small things… a quality EV conversion has plenty of bits of all sizes to get everything fitted just right. To make the most of the custom mechanical and electrical assemblies often required to pull this off, our workflow makes extensive use of CAD and other digital design tools to give us the greatest flexibility in our component layouts.
There’s an art to getting an EV conversion to function and drive “just right”, and that comes down to programming. Setting up a proper configuration to keep the various EV systems communicating happily takes some specialized knowledge and tools.
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